Nordbygg April 21-24, 2026

Building for the Future!

The fundamental principles for the future of the construction and real estate industry are discussed.

Architects, builders, property managers, installers, craftsmen, and project managers from all over Europe gather to make connections, learn about innovations, and do business. Over four action-packed days, discussions, lectures, product demonstrations, networking, and socializing are mixed in a dynamic blend.

Four people talking at a booth at Nordbygg, representing the networking opportunities during the fair

Become an exhibitor

Welcome to Nordbygg 2026, the Nordic region’s largest meeting place for the construction and real estate industry! With inspiring exhibition areas and several networking opportunities, the fair creates great business opportunities.

Nordbygg - person hänger i sele

Latest news

Check out our ‘What’s new’ page for the latest news, interesting interviews and current events.


Take a look back at Nordbygg 2024

  female moderator stands on stage and speaks to an engaged audience during a live presentation at Nordbygg.

Nordbygg Live

Watch all the seminars from our main stage on our YouTube channel. Click here to access the recorded seminars and catch up on everything you missed!

Glass Stage - Participants listen to speakers at the Glass Stage, focusing on building materials and innovation in the glass industry.


Here you can watch recorded seminars from the Glass Stage in the Glass Industry Association’s booth during Nordbygg 2024.

Program 2024

The 2024 seminar program included highly topical lectures with industry experts sharing their insights. It was a day filled with knowledge, innovation, and valuable contacts.

Panel discussion with industry experts at a table on stage during Nordbygg, highlighting future construction issues
Two people discussing solar panel technology at an exhibition stand, symbolizing future sustainability solutions

We plan long-term

We plan to organize the fair as usual in 2026 and 2028.


Building material industries
Glass Industry Association
Swedish Ventilation
VVS Fabrikanternas Råd
installatörsföretagen<br />

Official Exhibition Catalog


Media Partner

Byggfakta ny logo
Byggfakta docu

Cooperation partners

Byggbasen logo
IVL logo
IQ Samhällsbyggnad
Plåt- och ventföretagen logo logo
Stockholm Capital of Scandinavia logo
Svensk Byggtjänst logo
Svensk Solenergi logo
Svensk trä logo
Sveriges Arkitekter logo


northern building

Fastighetsenergi 9-10, 2025

Arena for future-proof buildings.


Community Builder Arena June 23-26, 2025

We welcome community builders who challenge, develop, and drive the green transition.

Building Materials Day November 5, 2025

Building Materials Day on November 5

The meeting place for dialogue and current issues in the construction sector.