Drinks/Happy Hour

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Drink/Happy hour at the Netherlands Business Lounge The Netherlands is renowned for its innovative approaches to sustainability, particularly in the realm of sustainable building and real estate industry. With a rich tradition of architectural excellence and a commitment to environmental stewardship, Dutch companies have emerged as leaders in creating sustainable solutions for the built environment. Making the Dutch pavilion at Nordbygg a focal point for showcasing Dutch expertise. The Dutch Business Lounge is an ideal setting to highlight industry’s innovators in sustainable building and forge international partnerships. The selection of 15 Dutch companies represent various facets of the sustainable building sector, including water & energy efficiency in buildings, sustainable and circular building materials and mounting systems, data analyses on the real-estate market, material passports, and circular design. There is diversity in company size, expertise, and innovation focus to appeal to a broad audience. We hope to meet you at our pavilion for some drinks and to (further) explore collaboration with the Dutch sustainable building sector!